Produkty pro svěžejší cena (2)

Analogová měřicí dráha

Analogová měřicí dráha

Analogová měřicí zařízení se používá k měření rozchodu železniční trati, rozchodu kontrolního kolejnice, vzdálenosti mezi kolejnicemi a superelevace. Je vhodné pro železniční rychlost nepřesahující 160 km/h. Tradiční kompas je pro železniční pracovníky snazší na přijetí a obsluhu. Lehká konstrukce je pohodlná na přenášení.
School Desk, Desk & chair, wholesale price

School Desk, Desk & chair, wholesale price

School Desk, Different sizes school is considered the second home for our children, so equipping it with the best standards to ensure the comfort of the children is always a priority for all school owners and those in charge of it. We guarantee achieving the dream of having school classes that care about children’s comfort and privacy during the school day through our school desk which consists of a desk and a chair, and made of the best rust-resistant materials that guarantee their preservation and durability for many years. We all have a unique story with our childhood days at school, and our keenness to preserve our disc, and our emotional attachment to it, and this is what we try to preserve in our product and highlight it to children and guarantee it to them, as it is designed in the latest style commensurate with the preferences of this generation and in modern and different colors, in addition to the ability to add your school logo on each design. Joy and Learn school desk is available in different colors (red, green, blue, yellow, orange) and there is the ability to manufacture any color upon request.